I’ve been considering starting this blog for some time but it took a perfect storm of events for me to take the plunge.
I’m not going to admit that I lost any blog competition – this is a marathon, not a sprint. John’s new Away From The Cubicle blog, however, upped the ante and I need more frequent, more entertaining posts. While I am somewhat limited by internet access and time to write, consider this the competition.
My other blog provides a fine venue, but it’s targeted to a different audience. It’s supposed to be about Peace Corps experiences (and it’s being watched by big brother). I’ve written many posts that get rejected by my better half on the grounds that they are off-topic or will offend our readers. My dreams and creativity are crushed because of easily offended prudes and children. For that, I don’t like you.
Released from the shackles, clocksucker will allow me to write on a wider variety of topics meant to entertain and offend a larger audience. I am free to develop strange new products or reflect on current events. I can provide commentary on the idiocy of American politics and pop culture. And I’ll simply observe the reality in which we live.
clocksucker Rules:
· If you’re easily offended, do not read
· Don’t be full of yourself. You are not the inspiration for the post, so don’t be upset with me.
· Waste time & come back often
clocksucker: two parts brain fart, one part brilliance.
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